The Source of Strength

“O my Strength, I sing praise to you”. – Psalm 59:17 NIV

There are different kinds of strength. It was an impressive sight in a previous age to watch heavy cart horses pulling carts with heavy loads. They would lean forward, their muscles straining until eventually the wheels began to move. Weightlifters exhibit sheer physical strength as well, as do oarsmen in a racing boat. But some people have strength of mind and can command lots of followers. Some have strength in the form of skill, others in the sense of knowledge, and there is strength in the form of materials as well – one kind of wood is stronger than another.

David started as a shepherd boy. In facing the giant Goliath he drew strength from his faith in God. In all his later life as an outlaw, and then as king, he always remembered that God was the true source of his strength. And he developed into a strong ruler and a strong military commander. As the armies of Israel went out under David’s command, they conquered the surrounding territories, and this made Israel a mighty nation and gave David enormous prestige. His strength gave the nation strength.

Whatever your physical powers, and whatever your mental or intellectual strength rather look to be strong spiritually. This means having a strong faith in God. Never doubt the power of God. Remember Jesus in the boat on the Sea of Galilee. Attempt big things for God. Don’t be held back by fear of failure or by the memory of previous failures. You are God’s man or God’s woman, put where you are by the Lord himself. Don’t talk yourself down, or hang back. Go forward boldly and in the strength which God supplies.


Lord, give me strength for every task to which you call me.

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